
I have no doubt that some of you have noticed that I have refrained from discussing MDMA (ecstasy or Molly) on this site. This isn’t because I don’t want to acknowledge the huge part that it plays in raves and festivals for some, but because I wanted to make sure that I approached it in the best way possible. This website is intended first and foremost to be a resource for new ravers who don’t have any veteran friends to hold their hand as they step into this new world.

Like everything, MDMA can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. It isn’t evil or inherently dangerous, but it is a substance that can cause a great deal of harm to those who don’t know how to use it safely. In this article, I am going to break down the different types of MDMA, what to be on the lookout for, and how to recover well.


So you’ve decided that you are going to roll during your next event. The first thing you will need to do is get your hands on it. This is where the majority of the of the danger comes into the process. A large part of the MDMA available (regardless of whether it is a pressed pill or in a capsule) is impure. It can be cut with far more dangerous drugs. Even if you trust your dealer implicitly, it is a good idea to purchase and use a test kit. This way you can detect any impurities that your pills may have.

Don’t purchase pills from people you don’t know while at the event. Yeah I know this sounds obvious, but it is incredibly risky to buy pills from anyone that you don’t know while at a festival. You have no way of testing them and no real way of knowing that they haven't been cut with anything dangerous. You wouldn't take candy from strangers, so you really shouldn't be buying drugs from them.

As I have mentioned before on the site, another important thing to do is to eat before you attend. This is particularly important if you are planning on taking MDMA. You don’t want to roll on an empty fuel tank, especially if it is your first time doing it. You are going to be expending a lot of energy, and lack of appetite is a side effect of the drug which means eating beforehand is your best bet if you want to lessen the blow. Think about it like you would think about preparing for a night of heavy drinking. You wouldn’t go to a pub crawl without making sure you’d eaten something to help soak up the alcohol later on.


Once you have taken your first dose, you are going to start experiencing the positive side effects, but there are a few negative side effects that come along with it. The first and most noticeable by far is going to be the tightening or clenching of the jaw. This is a hallmark of the drug and something which can be pretty easily combatted with a few sticks of gum.

There are a few other side effects you will probably feel after the drug starts to take effect.


You are going to feel thirsty. However, this is one of the side effects that can be somewhat dangerous depending on how you react to it. You are going to want to drink a ton of water, but you need to limit your water intake. If you are dancing, then you can have about two glasses an hour, and if you are standing or sitting, then it should only be one an hour. Even then, you should be sipping on a sports drink or any other substance which is going to replace the sodium and electrolytes that you are losing.

You will be thirsty, but you need to make sure not to over hydrate. Overhydration can lead to hyponatremia which leads to severely low levels of sodium and can be incredibly dangerous. Symptoms of hyponatremia include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and fatigue. If you notice any of these symptoms go to the medical tent and stop drinking water.

To avoid these problems altogether make sure to brink along Pedialyte packets or buy a Gatorade or two and sip on that throughout the night instead of just water.


Bad trips on MDMA are very rare but not at all impossible. The most important thing is to make sure you are taking MDMA in a positive environment. We feed off of the energy of our surroundings. If you are feeling anxious beforehand, maybe wait until you have calmed down and are in a positive state of mind before you take anything.

Feeling cold

If you are someone who gets cold, then it is a good idea to make sure you have a jacket with you. If you have a locker, just stash your coat until you need it, but it is better safe than sorry. Nothing is worse than being freezing cold without something to help you warm up while you wait in the uber pickup line to go home.

Impaired balance/gait

Until you know how you are going to react to this one, I would suggest you don’t try to wear platforms or any other shoes where a stumble might end with you rolling and ankle.

Lack of appetite

Not wanting to eat is another side effect which can actually prove a little negative. You will be burning a lot of calories, and if you didn’t eat enough beforehand, you could get quite sick if you miscalculated your dose. If you start to feel sick, try to make yourself eat something. It may sound insane and like the opposite of what you should be doing but it will help.


This one is more annoying than anything else. If you are sweating heavily make sure to continue hydrating with something like Gatorade or Powerade to replace the electrolytes you are sweating out.

Difficulty concentrating

This isn’t necessarily a bad one, but it is something to keep an eye out for especially if you are with friends and don’t have a great method for sticking together.

Things to to be aware of

Overheating (Hyperthermia) and Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a very real potential issue even if you are not taking MDMA. However, use of the drug raises the potential for heatstroke to occur as it inhibits the body’s natural thermoregulation. This in combination with the heat of the crowd and overhydration can lead to heat stroke very quickly.

If you feel overheated find a cool place and sit down. Try wetting a piece of cloth and putting it over your forehead or on the back of your neck. If you aren’t cooling down either go yourself or have a friend go to the medical tent to seek help immediately.

Be on the look out for the early signs of heat stroke

  • Hot, red, dry or moist skin

    Rapid and strong pulse

    Body temperature above 103 degrees


    Possible unconsciousness

Drinking too Much Water

I know I have been a broken record about this, but hydration is important, and hydration doesn’t always mean drinking a ton of water. MDMA makes you feel a lot more thirsty then you actually are which can drive you to over drink and can lead to intense sickness and even death in some extreme cases.

If you are dancing, then you should drink a maximum of two glasses worth of fluids an hour. Try and drink sports drinks or water mixed with electrolytes as opposed to just plain water.


Once the event is over it is essential to start recovering the second you wake up. You need to make sure you are taking the time to rehydrate after the event. Buy a case of Gatorade and have one a day until you are all out. This is an easy way to replenish the sodium and electrolytes your body will have lost even if you were staying hydrated during the festival.

It is also a good idea to take a multivitamin if you aren't taking one already. On top of the a vitamin or two, it is a good idea to take magnesium and 5-HTP to help promote serotonin replacement. There are even some supplements that combine the two available online.

Finally, make sure to rest and eat well in the days and weeks after. You just put your body through a lot, and it is going to be important to give it the fuel it needs to recover well.

It is also important to point out that you should also try and refrain from using MDMA again for at least a month. This is more to give your body time to return to normal, but it also gives your body time to replace the serotonin you have lost. Waiting for more extended periods of time between use will also stop you from building up a tolerance quickly.


OK, so now that we've gone through all of that, let's take a moment to recap. Think of this article as a basis for using MDMA is a safer way. If you are looking for more in-depth information, then is a wonderful resource. It is also a good idea to check the pill reports online to see what the danger of a particular type of pill being cut with something else is.

MDMA may be associated with raving, but it doesn't have to be a part of the experience. Sober raving is an awesome experience and in no way lesser than one modified with drugs. Don't ever feel pressure to do something you are uncomfortable with because you think it is mandatory. The best thing about raving is that nothing is mandatory.

At the end of the day, we are all at these events for the love of the music. If you want to augment your experience, then please be safe about it. I know it's boring to do all the research required to know all of the risks and even then you might not find everything you need, but I hope this article gave you enough to approach rolling with a little more knowledge.